FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about Climartis and its mission.
Climartis AG was founded in Zug at the end of 2022 with the aim of bringing together the digital spirit of startups with existing, established SMEs in the Swiss energy services sector. We want to be the preferred partner if you want to sell your business and grow with cutting-edge digital tools, marketing and social media support from Climartis Holding. We want to be the easiest energy services group to work with, the most transparent and future-oriented for B2C and B2B customers.
Former media manager Samuel Hügli founded the company with the plan to expand the portfolio into a medium-sized SME with around 500 employees and a turnover of 100-150 million CHF. CHF. The company started operations in spring 2023. The first companies are bought with own funds and earn-out structures as well as loans, followed by various capital increases. interest?
Der ehemalige Medienmanager Samuel Huegli gründete das Unternehmen mit dem Plan, das Portfolio in einem mittelgrossen KMU mit rund 500 Mitarbeitern und einem Umsatz von ca. 100 Mio. CHF auszubauen. Das Unternehmen hat den Betrieb im Frühling 2023 aufgenommen. 100 % der Aktien der Climartis AG sind zum Start in den Händen von Samuel Hügli. Nach der ersten Übernahme folgen weitere Zukäufe – dafür planen wir mindestens eine Kapitalerhöhung. Interesse?
Der ehemalige Medienmanager Samuel Huegli gründete das Unternehmen mit dem Plan, das Portfolio in einem mittelgrossen KMU mit rund 500 Mitarbeitern und einem Umsatz von ca. 100 Mio. CHF auszubauen. Das Unternehmen hat den Betrieb im Frühling 2023 aufgenommen. 100 % der Aktien der Climartis AG sind zum Start in den Händen von Samuel Hügli. Nach der ersten Übernahme folgen weitere Zukäufe – dafür planen wir mindestens eine Kapitalerhöhung. Interesse?
Like our role model Warren Buffet/Berkshire Hathaway, we have a clearly defined catalog of acquisition criteria. If your company meets most criteria, let us know, give us a call, or send us an email. We are primarily looking for investments in the following sectors:
- District heating infrastructure
- District heating services
- geothermal energy
- Wärmepumpen / Wärmepumpen-Bohrungen
- Air conditioning/ventilation
- solar heat
- photovoltaics
- battery storage
- EV charging stations
- Home security
- Home automation
We have experts in strategy, transformation, law, tax, design, Internet & furniture, technology, employer branding, etc. in our ranks — directly or in our extensive partner network. We come from the world of startups and corporate venturing — with this know-how, we can accelerate our companies, present offers in a customer-friendly manner, improve communication and automate processes. Amazon serves as a role model for customer processes and interaction with customers, suppliers and partners with the slogan “Radical Costomer Centricity” — that is what we strive for at Climartis.
One of the most important aspects is that we can attract the best employees, whether in the office as an accountant, in the coordination area as a project manager or on the construction site as a welder — to do this, we must be an attractive, modern group of companies with modern tools and work processes. The shortage of skilled workers often also has something to do with a lack of “purpose” and a lack of “future viability,” which is exactly where we want to start with our sustainable, long-term business strategy.