Unsere Werte

Wir bieten ein familiäres Umfeld, sozialkompetente Teamleader, überdurchschnittliche Sozialleistungen und die Möglichkeit, als Teil eines dynamischen Teams in einer aufstrebenden Branche, die Zukunft mitzugestalten - für ein besseres Morgen mit einem nachhaltigen Energie–Setup.
Involvement for everyone in the growing whole
Agility, decisiveness & risk taking
Motivated teams and satisfied customers
Entrepreneurship and sustainable development
Innovation and creativity

How do we live our values in practice?

Our “why/purpose” is primarily to contribute to reducing global warming by switching to renewable energy sources
We offer female company owners who want a succession solution the option to develop and digitize their companies in an entrepreneurial ecosystem — instead of having to sell them to the highest bidder.
mit dem Wunsch einer Nachfolgelösung die Option an,  ihre Firmen in einem unternehmerischen Ökosystem zu entwickeln und zu digitalisieren – statt diese meistbietend verkaufen zu müssen.
We plan and act entrepreneurially and care about the environment and health — at every stage
We are agile, make decisions quickly and prevent bureaucracy. We take risks consciously
Good results and team collaboration are based on respect and counting — not a perfect process!
Keep it simple, test and fail early — and learn from it is our motto. We tolerate mistakes but prevent them from happening again.
We always act for the paying end customer or user (radical customer focus) — we consciously want to create “wow moments”!
Wherever possible, we make decisions based on data.
Thinking outside the box is important to us — to new shores through innovation and creativity — that also means daring the impossible
We expect a lot from each other, push each other and regularly give open feedback.
Motivated teams and satisfied customers are extremely important, which is why we only hire A-people — and pay for top talent rather than a moderate average.
Regardless of the role, every person is important to us. But we have little room for whiners, cynics or narcissists.
Diversity in every relationship is an opportunity for us — to the right extent and with a sense of proportion.
Continuous education and training is important to us. We don't tolerate “career siding.
Integrity and role model function are the basis for our cooperation. The rule is to “preach instead of preach.”
We involve all employees in the whole — a whole that should constantly grow
We want to be one of the best employers in Switzerland — while maintaining a good dose of humility.
Relationships with customers, suppliers, industry and associations must be maintained at all levels.
Our employees are proud to work with the Climartis Group with commitment and passion.

We don't just want a sustainability strategy, but a sustainable, resilient business strategy.
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